This Week in Nomadtopia
February 23, 2011 | Updates
This is the first in a new weekly series on the latest happenings here in my Nomadtopia.
As usual, it’s a busy week in Nomadtopia, full of travel planning, financial planning, business planning, and more.
First, the travel planning: I have three trips in the works at the moment! March mini-vacation with Roberto (destination TBD), April beachy vacation with my parents in Uruguay, and a trip to the U.S. sometime this summer/fall to celebrate my grandma’s 90th birthday. I’m hoping that some of this will be subsidized by all the frequent flyer miles I’m going to earn now that I’m signed up for the Travel Hacking Cartel. I haven’t been able to earn many miles through it yet, but I’m following all of the deal alerts they send out and doing what I can. They guarantee you can earn 25,000 miles every three months, so we’ll see!
Less exciting is the financial planning.
I have a meeting with my financial planner on Friday, and I’m hoping it goes well. She has been helpful in setting up new IRA accounts for me, and making new investment recommendations, but this is one of those situations that can be difficult for Nomadtopians. I suspect many of her clients are on a much more traditional path than I am, and I don’t think she really gets it when I explain that I don’t want to focus all my energy on saving for a big house and a fat retirement account at the cost of not being able to enjoy life right now. Has anyone out there found a nomad-friendly financial planner? (And while we’re at it, I could use a nomad/freelance-friendly accountant as well…)
I also have some interesting new projects going on. First, I’m working on translating a short story from Spanish, and am excited for the opportunity (and challenge!). Roberto and I are also working on some new business ideas. I just signed up for the Affiliate Marketing for Beginners ourse, and I am really excited about it! I’m just a few sections into the first module and I’m learning a ton already. The course offers a step-by-step guide for actually building your first affiliate site, and is 100% guaranteed. I’ll write a full review about this course once I get further along and/or when I finish it.
I’m also getting more active in the A-List Blogging Club, which is a great way to meet other bloggers as well as learn a lot more about how this whole thing works. There is a TON of content available, as well as very active forums and a friendly community. I was motivated to sign up ASAP because membership to the club (which is $20/month) includes free access to their bootcamps, and there’s another one coming up soon called The Art of Blog Seduction. The bootcamp will cost nearly $300, but there is still time to get in at a MUCH reduced rate—just sign up for the club before midnight (hmm, not sure in which time zone!) on Thursday, Feb. 24 (tomorrow) and you’ll get free access to the bootcamp. “Blog seduction”—sounds intriguing, no?
There are a million other things going on, but I’ll try to keep these weekly updates from getting too long!
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