Is it time to think about your next trip or move?
October 14, 2021 | Building Your Nomadtopia, Evolving Your Nomadtopia, Living Your Nomadtopia
These days, it seems that some people in the Nomadtopia Collective are constantly on the lookout for somewhere, anywhere they can go. Others aren’t quite so eager—either they don’t feel comfortable traveling right now, or they are located somewhere that the options are extremely limited due to ongoing restrictions.
For those who aren’t ready/able to travel right now, some draw inspiration from dreaming and scheming for that time in the future when they can get back out there, and others can’t even think about it because it seems so far off. I think I’ve mostly been in that latter camp, but I’m starting to feel like it certainly can’t hurt to at least think about it!
If you’re determined to go somewhere ASAP, or like me you’re waiting things out but drawn toward thinking about what your future adventures might be, this is for you.
There’s a lot of (virtual) exploring, research, and planning that you can do now so you’ll be ready when the time comes. Not to mention making sure your travel budget is well funded!
Here are some questions to kick off your destination research:
- What type of experience and environment are you looking for? How do you want to get there, what do you want to do, and how long do you want to stay?
- Where have you always dreamed of going?
- Would you like to spend more time somewhere you’ve already been, or do you want to go somewhere new?
- Are there places closer to “home” that you’ve never gotten to know?
- What places offer good opportunities for activities you enjoy?
- Lots of countries are announcing new “digital nomad” visas—are any of those places appealing to you?
Once you’ve done some brainstorming and come up with a list, you can start doing some research on costs, logistics, and so on to help you prepare so you’ll be ready for that next adventure, whenever it happens.
Get the Top 10 Logistical Things You Need to do before becoming a nomad
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