Sundae Bean: A family’s intercultural experience in Africa
September 10, 2014 | Podcast, with kids
Sundae Bean lives in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, with her husband and two young children. Her husband is on assignment there, but thanks to plenty of vacation time and Sundae’s location-independent business, the family is able to spend two or three months each year visiting their home countries (the U.S. and Switzerland) as well as other destinations around the world. Tune in to hear our conversation about living in Africa, raising third-culture kids, and more.
Most Memorable Location-Independent Experiences
Going to the festival of dance and masks in Burkina Faso. Being able to do important work while on vacation in the US and Switzerland.
Biggest Surprise along the Way
How difficult it is to get reliable Wi-Fi (but honestly that was not a surprise!). A positive surprise is realizing I’m living a dream of having mini-vacations in my normal work week.

In this episode
- How Sundae went from North Dakota farm girl to living in West Africa with her Swiss husband and two kids
- How she transitioned from working a corporate job she loved to running her own location-independent business
- How she prepared for her family’s move from Switzerland to Burkina Faso
- What it means to be a trailblazing spouse
- Her perspective on calculated risk and how she keeps her family safe
- Tips for interacting with other cultures
- And much more
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