Why is it so hard to make your dreams a reality?
December 13, 2017 | Building Your Nomadtopia, Evolving Your Nomadtopia, Living Your Nomadtopia
Here at Nomadtopia, I talk to a lot of people who are working toward big goals. Maybe they’re dreaming of living abroad, or traveling long-term, or just setting everything up so they can head to the beach for a month every winter. The dream is exciting, but the day-to-day ins and outs of making it happen can feel like a real uphill slog. They’re feeling alone, frustrated, and overwhelmed.
Why is it so hard? Here are a few of the specific issues I see friends and clients struggling with as they work to make their dreams a reality.
Scattered Resources and Information
There are so many different details to sort out—health insurance, banking, and communication tools, not to mention destination research, packing up your home, and all the rest. All of these areas bring up specific questions, and you’re all over the place trying to gather the information you need. Some of it you can track down using Google, but you can’t be sure how up-to-date the information is or if it really applies to your unique situation. The rest you try to figure out by asking friends (if you happen to know anyone who’s done something similar) or posting in random Facebook groups, but it’s hard to keep track of what’s been discussed where and which are really the best sources of information.
Lack of Support and Accountability
Your friends and family may be supportive, but it’s likely they don’t really know what you’re going through (and may secretly—or not-so-secretly—be hoping you’ll give up on this “crazy” idea and just stay home like everyone else). Even if you do find some like-minded people nearby or on social media, they’re too busy with their own stuff to really pay attention to what you’re going through, and they aren’t invested in giving you the support and accountability you need to stay on track.
Casual Conversations That Don’t Give You Real Connection or Answers
When you’re looking to truly connect with others and get the information you’re desperately seeking, one of the worst things about many online spaces is that people are dipping in and out constantly, participating in conversations on so many different topics at the same time. People rarely take the time for deeper and more focused conversation, so things stay casual—and less useful.
Online Distractions
If you are singularly focused on a particular goal (I know how this goes—I was obsessed when I was planning my round-the-world trip!), Facebook and other online spaces make it hard to zero in on the information and conversations you need. How many times have you logged on to Facebook intending to go ask a question in a particular group, and 20 minutes later you can’t even remember why you’re there? You might set time aside to tackle your cell phone questions, for example, but end up wasting it all in some social media rabbit hole.
What to Do?
If you’re experiencing any or all of the above, I don’t blame you for feeling overwhelmed and frustrated! The good news is, there are ways to handle these problems. First, you could work with a coach or set up an accountability group with a couple friends who support your dreams (and ideally are working on some big goals of their own). Or you could get seriously disciplined about your use of social media and really focus your time on the spaces that will best serve your goals.
Even better, you could join the Nomadtopia Collective! This private online community solves all of the problems I outlined above (which is exactly why I created it). It’s a place to access specific, relevant, up-to-date information on all the topics pertinent to location-independent life—and it’s all easy to find, thanks to better organization, curation, and search than you’ll ever find on Facebook. You’ll find deeper conversations about building and living your Nomadtopia, in a dedicated, distraction-free space. Our welcoming community is invested in guiding and supporting you, and you’ll be surrounded by people already living their Nomadtopia or evolving on the same path.
Click here to get more details and join the Nomadtopia Collective.
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