Amy playing the bandoneón

Learning in Nomadtopia

September 30, 2021 | ,

This month in the Collective, our theme has been Learning. We’ve been talking about what we’re learning and what we want to learn, what we’ve learned along the way that’s been helpful in our Nomadtopia, and lots more.

Through our conversations we’ve discovered so many different aspects of learning that factor into our lives and lifestyles. There’s learning specific skills, like a language, as well as learning about the places we (want to) go. Then there are the ways we learn about ourselves, like our preferences, values, and what makes us tick. And then there’s how we learn, and why, and on it goes!

Some of the biggest things I’ve learned over the years have been on-the-road training, so to speak. It’s not until you’re actually out there doing it that some things become clear(er) or you finally learn and accept the reality of something that had until then been theoretical.

Here are a few of the biggies I’ve learned:

  • A community of supportive, like-minded people will keep you on track. I wrote this in a blog post way back in 2013, and it’s a big part of why I’m so dedicated to the Nomadtopia Collective. I know how lonely it can be to have dreams or a lifestyle that no one gets and what a relief it is to connect with others on a similar path.
  • I can handle anything that comes my way. This is another one from that 2013 post. Having faith and confidence in myself, my abilities, and my resources is very reassuring!
  • No matter how experienced a traveler you are, you still need to prepare for entering a new country. In another blog post, “Six Lessons (Re)Learned in Costa Rica,” I shared more key lessons including this one. I used “(re)learned” in the title of that post because some of them were things I had learned already but apparently had forgotten and needed a refresher course.

Then there are all the practical skills I’ve learned, like taking cooking classes and learning Spanish, and the not-so-practical, like art classes to learn different techniques and music classes to learn the bandoneón (that’s me in the photo above, practicing in Buenos Aires back in 2007).

What’s something you’re learning or could learn that will help support your Nomadtopia? What lessons have you learned along the way? (Are there any you’ve forgotten or gotten lazy about and need to brush up on?)

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