If You Want to Live Differently, You Have to Think Differently
June 26, 2012 | Nomad Life
This is a guest post from Leah Shapiro. I knew she was a kindred soul the minute I met her, and I hope you enjoy her message for you. If it resonates with you, please leave some comment love for Leah!
Take a look around you. Do you see anyone living the amazing, kick-ass life that you want to live?
Hell no!! They are living the same boring, normal life as the next guy.
Your dreams are bigger than that!! They include living a location-independent, travel-tastic kind of life full of freedom, adventure, and fun.
Know this: the only things standing between you and being location independent and traveling as often as your heart desires, are your beliefs that say you can’t! Seriously! That’s the only real obstacle!
If you want to live differently, you have to think differently. It’s as simple as that.
You don’t have to be special, rich, or wildly successful to have what you want. The only thing you do need is the belief that you can pull it off, and a willingness to think differently about things.
Now, that doesn’t mean that there are not some details that you need to work out, but you won’t get to the details if you don’t believe you can have it.
You have to give yourself permission to go for your dreams and unleash your brilliance out into the world. You wouldn’t have the desire if it weren’t possible for you. The Universe isn’t a bitch like that.
Here are some tips for creating your travel-tastic life.
Give yourself permission!!! I know, this sounds like a silly step, but it’s necessary. Giving yourself permission tells your subconscious mind that it is OK to look for ways to make your travel-tastic life happen. We are conditioned to live a certain kind of life, and even though your conscious mind says, “This sucks! I’m out of here,” your subconscious wants to fit in and do things like everyone else. It feels edgy to do your own thing, and it’s easy to doubt yourself and your ability to pull it off. Consciously giving yourself permission to change things helps shift this tendency.
Ignore your current reality. Rather than focusing on all the reasons why you can’t be location independent and travel the world, focus on all the possible ways to do it! And MEAN it!! Begin by ignoring your current reality and focusing on how you want it to be.
Play in the realm of possibilities. Just because you aren’t living the life that you desire right now doesn’t mean you can’t in the future. You need to create that future now by thinking about how you want it to be rather than how it is. You are misdirecting your energy when you focus on all the stuff that isn’t here yet in your current reality. What you focus on expands. If you focus on what isn’t here yet, you will get more of that. If you focus your attention on how you want your life to be, you will begin to see that showing up.
Spend time every day planning it out. Dream big!!! Where will you go, what would be totally cool, who will you see? Go online and research it. Talk to people who are already doing it and picture yourself living it. Let yourself feel excitement and anticipation. I want you to squeal with delight when you think of all the amazing things you’re going to be doing!
Have fun with this. Get the juicy goodness flowing. Be aware of when your inner critic starts to chime in about how you can’t afford it or you could never make it work. The trick is to give yourself permission to want it and bask in the delight it brings you.
Stop talking to the naysayers and dream-crushers! Most people won’t get your wild and crazy dreams. That’s OK, but don’t bother to share your big plans with them. They aren’t going to be helpful to you. Don’t let their concern and doubt prevent you from going for it. Find a community of fellow travelers who are going to give you a big “Hell, yeah!” and offer you helpful suggestions on how to do it.
Don’t get caught up in the details of HOW it’s all going to happen. This sounds counterintuitive, but hear me out. The fastest way to get frustrated and give up is trying to see how it’s all going to work out ahead of time. There are all kinds of details you can’t possibly know in this moment. These are the things that make you think it’s never going to happen. Give the Universe a chance to work its magic. Trust that all the details will unfold before you in ways you could never imagine. Have faith, and go with it.
I’m going to circle back around to the beginning: the only thing standing between you and the travel-tastic life you desire is your story saying you can’t have it. Change that story, give yourself permission, and unleash yourself onto the world!
Leah Shapiro is a Freedom Coach and Renegade Queen. She helps rebelicious free spirits break free of the stories that prevent them from living the kick-ass lives they desire.
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