Carlton Taylor: Transitioning to a new lifestyle
November 19, 2014 | Podcast
When I talked to Carlton Taylor, he and his wife, Varsha, were just wrapping up a three-month adventure in Ecuador. But it’s not something that came about overnight. It took planning, determination, and intentional action (not to mention a strategy to show his wife it was possible and bring her on board). Tune in to find out the steps they took to make it happen, what they’ve experienced in Ecuador, and what’s next.
Most Memorable Location-Independent Experiences
Referrals for living. Friend of a friend, of a friend, of a friend, of a friend = free lodging for a month.
Biggest Surprise along the Way
How difficult it is for people to understand and respect location-independence.

In this episode
- Unexpected experiences in Ecuador
- What it took to make it happen after his initial inspiration
- The gradual steps he took to get his wife on board
- The magic of connections and relationships
- Preparing for a three-month trip abroad
- And much more

Resources we talked about
Note: Links with an asterisk are affiliate links, which means you may receive free credit or another bonus and I may earn a small commission or other benefits if you sign up/purchase using that link. There’s no additional cost to you, of course!
- The Four-Hour Work Week*
- Marie Forleo’s B-School
- The Suitcase Entrepreneur
- Greg Denning’s interview on Nomadtopia Radio
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